Blogerka obolela od raka mišića, Foto: Printscreen/Instagram/jaydamccannx



u vreme kada joj je postavljena dijgnoza završavala je studije


Blogerka je pomoć lekara zatražila nakon što je napipala kvržicu na području karlice.

Irska blogerka i influenserka Jayda McCann, koja je sa 60.000 pratitelja delila svoju borbu s rakom, preminula je u 24. godini života, javlja The Sun. Jayda je pre stravične dijagnoze na Instagramu objavljivala fotografije vezane uz zdrav život, modu i lepotu, no onda joj je dijagnostifikovan leiomiosarkom, redak oblik raka mišića.

Inspirativna objava u septembru

U to vreme završavala je studije, a njenom ocu je gotovo u isto vreme dijagnostifikovan tumor prostate. Poslednju fotografiju objavila je u septembru, a uz nju je poručila kako je naučila nešto iz činjenice da je izgubila kosu i dobila kilograme tokom lečenja.

- Ja sam i dalje ljubazna. Ja sam i dalje hrabra. Ja sam i dalje darežljiva. I dalje sam ja ja, a ono što je izvana, ne čini ono što sam ja. Moja osobenost i moje srce čine - napisala je tada. Juče je njena porodica objavila da je Jayda preminula “mirno, u snu”.

This is something that I never thought I’d type but I’m only doing it in the hope that it might help someone else??‍♀️ Because of how paralyzed my left side was, once I got let out of hospital my whole home and life had to be re-evaluated and made appropriate for someone with a disability (me)? The Occupational Therapy team in my community have been amazing in making this whole experience comfortable but it was not without its tears, tantrums & upsets? First of all, the manual and amount of things/precautions are LENGTHY. Ramps, bars, wheelchairs (both electric and manual), bath chairs, shower chairs- the list really does go on? As a 23 year old, it breaks my heart to think this is where my life is? The embarrassment, shame & upset that comes with seeing old friends drive past or sometimes even just wave?? This isn’t a poor me post (y’all know me better than that)? I know I am BLESSED that my feeling has improved on my left side and I’m doing really well mobility wise! But this whole experience has changed how I think about disability more than I’d ever imagined it would? Disability comes in all different shapes and sizes and does not discriminate, it can happen to anyone at anytime??‍♀️ LIKE NOW I AM SO AWARE OF HOW RUDE PEOPLE can be around disabilities or how to handle them. You’d swear some people have never seen a chair before??? ANYWAY, my point being that yesterday I COMPLETED my training on my electric wheelchair and although I am sad that this is my version of all the festivals people are at, I am so proud of myself??? I put my pride, ego, sadness and self-sorrow to the side and constantly reminded myself that this is important for my safety. F%#-WHAT PEOPLE THINK, THIS IS MY LIFE❌?? And lastly while I have you, please just be a bit more mindful of people that may be less able-bodies than you☹️?For e.g.: keep your phone in your pocket in shopping centers, HOLD THE DOOR- NO, get off your bum and GET THE DOOR for someone that may be struggling?? This photo makes me feel extremely vulnerable AND THAT IS OKAY ?. We are all vulnerable sometimes but that’s why KINDNESS IS FREE. BE KIND TO EVERYONE & GRATEFUL YOUR ALIVE???

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Kvržica na području karlice

Prošle godine je u razgovoru za “The Irish Sun” ispričala da se i njen otac u njenim godinama borio s rakom te da je pobiedio.

- Totalno sam tatina curica, oduvek smo bili bliski. Ne biste nikad želeli da prođete kroz ovo s nekim ko vam je blizak, ali ja bih uvek izabrala njega. Razumemo se potpuno, on je osoba koja mi najgori dan može pretvoriti u najbolji - kazala je tada.

?Important Daddy update? I know it’s only Wednesday but holy moly it has been a HELL of a week?? Unfortunately, Dad was hospitalized via ambulance yesterday because of pain and not being able to breathe. A lot of you might not know this but Dad’s cancer, although it is still prostate cancer, has now spread to his liver, lungs and central spine? Prognosis wise, this means that Dad is now in the same boat as me... meaning that he is now officially terminal? This means that like me, they can treat the disease and hopefully hold it under control for the rest of his days but will not be able to cure it. Without treatment or if the treatment doesn’t work, the doctors are saying that Dad’s looking at less than a year? But we’ve got a good few tricks up our sleeves and once again, WE WILL NOT GIVE UP- there are a few treatment options available?? At the moment, Bren & I are on the way in to see him for a pizza party??? So, he is in much better form and I’m sure I’ll be able to cheer him up?☺️ We’re hoping that he will be let out by the end of the week but of course, we won’t happy until Dad is completely comfortable as can be. HE STARTS HIS NEW CHEMO TOMORROW! This is with the aim to get things under control both growth and pain so fingers crossed and prayers said PLEASE! ?? He’s a little bit nervous but he’s okay & of course we are all behind him 100%? COME ON DAD... let’s do this☺️♥️ #jaydamccann #daddy #fuckcancer #cancerwarriors

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Blogerka je pomoć lekara zatražila nakon što je napipala kvržicu na području karlice, za koju je isprva mislila da je cista. Insistirala je na tome da lekari obave sve pretrage kada je kvržica nastavila da raste. Naime, lekari su joj isprva uporno propisivali antibiotike. Na kraju je laboratorijska analiza pokazala da Jayda ima neizlečivi oblik raka.

Post-op update featuring a bald little Jadey???? Well, it’s been a rough few days to say the least??‍♀️ Post-surgery, I went into excruciating head and back pain which left me lying down in a dark room crying for 3 days? Meningitis was suspected so I ended up needing yet another lumber-puncture? Thank God it ended up being a low pressure headache and today I feel so much better!? The pump is also working wonders- I go up in dose daily as we monitor the pain levels but so far so good!?? My scars are also healing up nicely & I am much more mobile today than I have been? SO, once my headache and backache has completely subsided & once the pumps dose is stable, I CAN GO HOME!??? We are looking at either tomorrow or the next day? I’m also on a lot of IV antibiotics just to be sure that I haven’t any type of infection but I’ll hopefully be coming off those today or tomorrow?? I haven’t been replying to everyone because tbh, it would be impossible! But I do appreciate your messages, tags & comments and wish I could reply to each message❤️? With all of the complications this time around, I feel like I am never going to get home or pain-free. But I am finally starting see the light end of the tunnel???? I hope everyone is keeping good & had a nice weekend! Sending you all positive vibes & lots of love! And thank you for all of your lovely messages❤️? #update #painpump #sarcomawarrior #cancerthriver #jaydamccann

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