OVO JE ISTA BABA NA OBE SLIKE! Uspela je da izgubi 30 KG, ovo je njena priča! (FOTO)
Džoan je drastično smršala, Foto: Instagram printscreen

nikad nije kasno

OVO JE ISTA BABA NA OBE SLIKE! Uspela je da izgubi 30 KG, ovo je njena priča! (FOTO)

U samo nekoliko godina ova sedamdesetogodišnja baka izgubila je više od trideset kilograma i postala uzor mnogima


Nikada nije kasno za promenu svojih negativnih navika i početak zdravog i aktivnog života, koliko god kliše zvučalo.

Pravi primer za to je Džoan Makdonald (74) iz Ontarija u Kanadi. Nakon što su joj lekari rekli da će joj morati povećati dozu lekova, ona je odlučila promeniti svoj život i svoje navike.

Transformation isn’t just about losing weight. Transformation can be about so much more! Certainly this has been my long, slow journey.?? On the left I was visiting my own mother in a nursing home and seeing her health rapidly deteriorating. It absolutely broke my heart, and yet it was also frustrating to see her just accept her fate and refuse to fight to make things better. When my own daughter reached out to me and offered to help, it was like coming full circle. I was at a real cross roads. Do I follow in the footsteps of my mother, or do I try to break free of the cycle and create a different outcome for myself. I know so many of you want to know about the diet and the training, but what I can’t stress enough to you, is the importance of developing your mind. Throughout the past 3 years I have been deeply challenged, many times in tears ?,and feeling like I was so slow to learn, BUT I did not give up. ????. Since I started this journey 3 years ago I’ve learned to use an I-phone, I’ve learned to use apps (though they still seem complicated to me!) I’m even learning a new language (Spanish!). I’ve learned to be more confident in front of a camera and trust myself at interviews, and I’ve just gained so much more confidence and optimism about making my life better in general. Even my relationship with my husband has improved because I’m just a happier person. ? That’s a pretty wonderful place to be this late in the game. ? So, for those of you think more about losing weight, I am telling you, sometimes the weight we need to lose is more than the pounds on the scale. Sometimes we need to lose our negative self-talk, our feelings of failure, our lack of confidence in ourselves and in the world. Sometimes it’s the internal transformation that is its own best reward. I hope you learn to choose to be happy! With love Joan ?

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U samo nekoliko godina ova sedamdesetogodišnja baka izgubila je više od trideset kilograma i postala uzor mnogima. Budući da je imala sedamdeset godina, kada je odlučila promeniti stil života, uzimala je mnogobrojne lekove, za holesterol, visoki krvni pritisak i mnoge druge bolesti.

Džoan je bilo dosta lekova i više se nije osećala prijatno u svom telu. Kako bi postigla svoje rezultate, upitala je svoju ćerku Mišel za pomoć te ju je ona prijavila za online program vežbanja.

Džoan je brzo počela ići u šetnje kao kardio deo treninga, baviti se jogom, a čak je počela i dizati tegove. Do danas je Džoan izgubila 34 kilograma, a prestala je uzimati lekove nakon što su joj lekari rekli da joj se zdravlje popravilo.

Ipak, početak mršavljenja bio joj je izuzetno težak jer je trebala raditi na svojoj snazi i izdržljivosti.

- Jako sam spora i treba mi dvostruko duže da završim neku vežbu - rekla je za shape.com.

Do Not Feed The Fears..! ??? . Sometimes I need to make these comparisons to remind myself of how far I’ve already come, so I can stay in a state of wonder about what might still come to pass. I can slip into the habit of telling myself that “at my age I don’t need a 27 inch waist” and then my habits slide. ?? . What kind of a message is that? ??‍♀️??‍♀️ . Sometimes we are a danger to ourselves! So, big news, my daughter has surprised me with a photoshoot with @paulbuceta in a few weeks. How’s that for a kick in the pants?!! ???? I’ve taken my daughter many times to his studio but only as support. Now it’s my turn. She keeps plugging in these mini goals to keep me in line, I guess. Like everyone else, I struggle with keeping up with meal planning. I’m okay for my first two meals of the day, but then I slide a little. It’s not that I over eat, I just slip into my habit of eating what I feel like when I feel like it. A lot of the time I actually don’t eat enough! ? Having someone looking over my shoulder is definitely a pain in my booty, but I’m also grateful for it. It was that habit of eating when I wanted to that had me weighing in at 200 lbs. For me, having these mini goals like a photo shoot or a bikini holiday helps me get my focus back. That’s what goals do, whether you’re 20 years old or 70 years old. I think all of us humans are the same, and we all need a push from time to time. Thank god for friends and loved ones who know us, love us, and encourage us to keep reaching for new heights. . #family #transformation #dfynefitnessmag #strongfitnessmag #fitspo #inspo #grandma #silverhair

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Radom i trudom uspela je doći do toga da vežba barem dva sata dnevno, pet dana u nedelji. Iako je vežbanje pomoglo, ona je morala promeniti i svoju ishranu kako bi uspela u svom cilju.

- Kada sam započela, jela sam manje nego što jedem sada. Sada jedem više, pet obroka na dan, i nastavljam gubiti kilograme, a osećam se odlično i zdravo - priznala je Džoan.

Njen prvi cilj bio je izgubiti višak kilograma, ali sada joj vežbanje predstavlja izbor snage i samopouzdanja. Džoan je svoje putovanje podelila na svom Instagram profilu na kojem ima više od četiristo hiljada pratitelja, a svakodnevno objavljuje razne videe i fotografije svojih vežba.

Postala je prava inspiracija starijim osobama da nikad nije kasno te da uz malo rada i truda, mogu poboljšati svoj život i svoje zdravlje.

Bonus video:


Uz Espreso aplikaciju nijedna druga vam neće trebati. Instalirajte i proverite zašto!


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