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Želela je da se oslobodi standarda izgleda koje nameće društvo

Objavljeno: 16:28h

Poljakinja Sonja Citrovska (28) pre godinu dana je odlučila da više neće da se depilira.

Ona sada putem svog Instagrama promoviše prirodnu lepotu i ohrabruje druge žene da joj se pridruže u tome.

- Želim vam pokazati svoja leđa na kojima takođe ima dlaka. Znam da mnoge žene imaju dlakava leđa i da se zbog toga osećaju manje ženstvenima. Nema potrebe za tim. To je normalno. Mediji to možda ne pokazuju, ali to je i dalje normalno - tvrdi ona.

Some time ago I gave myself a word that I won't remove my bodyhair unless I will know that shaving them is entirely my decision. I wanted to stop ads brainwashing my mind & give up thinking "I should shave because everyone is doing this". This is my task list which I made to achieve my goal: -get to know how my body hair will look without any interference, - reach the acceptance to all my body hair while looking in the mirror, - stop being ashamed in front of the others, even if they whisper and stare at me, - be free from need to explain "oh it's just project, I know it looks terrible/unsexy/masculine/etc. It's temporary you know", - be free from belief that I have to fulfill someone's expectation about my appearance, - and finally be free from fear that others will reject me if they will know how I REALLY look like. I knew I will need some time to do my job. It's been more than a year now! ⏳ How about your hairy journey Dear Woman? How do you feel about being unshaved? What do you think about other hairy women? Maybe you want add some items to the list? ? *second pic is without any filter #goals #bodyhair #bodyhairdontcare #acceptance #challenge #bodyhairmovement #natural #realme #hairywoman #naturalwoman #stopshaving #bodyacceptance #societystandards #beauty #beautystandards #questioning #finding #thetruth #realwoman #nofilter #poland #wgdyni #niegolesie #natura #kobieta #wyzwanie #cel #akceptacja #cialo #naturalne

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Ona je udata i kaže da iako se prvo njenom suprugu ova ideja nije dopala, sada je podržava.

- Mom suprugu se ova promena nije svidela, ali nije se pokušao razvesti od mene. Odlučio je da zbog mene promeni svoje standarde lepote - kaže Sonja.

Priznaje ipak da je i sama imala trenutke kolebanja, no i dalje je istrajala u svojoj odluci.

? When I was young I thought that I am the only girl in whole world which has bodyhair like this. There were no fast internet in those days, no fb or insta where I could talk with other people. Only collegues from school which all were smooth... or they were shaving in secret just like me ;) I used to hate myself for this hairy line on my belly... Even more! I believe that I don't deserve for love!!! :( It took me almost 14 years to stop thinking like that! I wish all growing girls and young woman has an opportunity to meet one person in their lifes, someone who accept and love his/hers natural body and can teach them how to do this. Maybe some day... :) The power is in ourselves! Stay strong and conscious! Have a beautiful day! ❤ Kiedy byłam młodsza myślałam, że jestem jedyną dziewczyną na świecie, która ma takie włosy na ciele. Wtedy nie było szybkiego internetu, fb czy insta, na których mogłabym porozmawiać z innymi ludźmi. Tylko koleżanki ze szkoły, wszystkie gładkie... lub golące się w ukryciu tak jak ja ;) Kiedyś nienawidziłam siebie za tą linię włosów na moim brzuchu. Powiem więcej! Wierzyłam, że nie zasługuję na miłość!!! :( Zmiana myślenia zajęła mi blisko 14 lat. Chciałabym aby każda dorastająca dziewczynka lub młoda kobieta miały szanse poznać choć jedną osobę w ich życiu, kogoś kto akceptuje i kocha swoje naturalne ciało i mógłby je nauczyć jak to robić. Może pewnego dnia... :) Moc jest w nas! Bądźmy silni i świadomi! Pięknego dnia Wam życzę :) ? #loveyourbody #hairywoman #polishgirl #niegolesie #niegolęsię #owłosione #owlosione #wgdyni #bodyacceptance #hairybelly #loveyourselffirst #beautifull #natural #hairygirl #growingup #polishwoman #kochajsiebie #kochamsiebie #świadomość #conscious #love #miłość #nofilter

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- Poželela bih otrčati u kupatilo i sve obrijati. Na trenutak bih se osetila kao dlakavo čudovište, ali onda bih uzela pet minuta da razmislim šta želim. Shvatila sam da volim svoje dlakave pazuhe, čupave obrve, stidne dlake, pa čak i dlake na svom trbuhu i leđima. Prihvatam ih i ne sramim ih se - zaključila je ona.



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