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Za dobro varenje!


Ovo su namirnice bogate probioticima


Probiotici su veoma bitni u ishrani.

Oni ne samo da pozitivno utiču na crevnu floru, već mogu pomoći i kod visokog krvnog pritiska, a veoma su dobri i za kožu i rešavaju i probleme nadutosti.

Ukoliko vi niste za upotrebu lekova, jer probiotike možete piti u kapsulama, evo kako možete da ih nadoknadite kroz hranu.

Ovo su namirnice bogate probioticima.

Kiseli kupus

Jača imunitet, poboljšava varenje i smanjuje stres. Niskokalorično, a super hranjivo povrće je jedinstven spoj vitamina A, B, C, E i K, minerala (mangana, selena, kalcijuma, kalijuma, magnezijuma), omega-3 masnih kiselina i lekovitih sumpornih materija koje štite od raka.

Kiseli krastavci

foto: Thinkstock

Još jedna fermentisana namirnica koja sadrži probiotike i nekima je čak ukusnija od kiselog kupusa. Možete ih jesti svakodnevno, samo pazite na visok nivo natrijuma koji poseduju.

Jabukovo sirće

αρρℓє ¢ι∂єя νιиєgαя / ACV ?/ ρяσρєятιєѕ: bitter sour / σяgαиѕ αffє¢тє∂: liver, spleen, kidneys __ Part of my everyday routine is this delicious ACV potion. There has been many reported benefits of ACV including regulation of blood sugar levels, weight loss, anti inflammatory properties, detoxing effects, and lowering cholesterol to name a few. My pull towards ACV is its effect on our gut microbiome. __ Our gut microbiome is a network of vessels, bacteria, and enzymes that enable us to properly break down and absorb nutrients from the food we eat. A healthy harmonious microbiome allows our body to properly ‘rot and ripen’ our food so that we absorb what we need and excrete anything our body doesn’t need. When out of balance our microbiome doesn’t have proper ph levels, adequate amount of good bacteria and enough digestive enzymes to make sure it does it’s job properly. __ ACV acts as a catalyst to allowing good bacteria to flourish, ph levels to be maintained and digestive enzymes to flourish. Because it is fermented it also serves as a beautifully effective probiotic. Healthy tummy = healthy body. In TCM ACV is indicated for use to break up any stagnation in the liver. This can help with anger, frustration, stress, poor circulation and PMS symptoms. __ 1 tbsp ACV 1 cup hot water (hot water dilutes the ACV to protect tooth enamel and makes the potion more bioavailable - easier to absorb) 1/4 tsp cinnamon (aids in circulation, breaks up stagnation, relieves inflammation) 1 pinch of cayenne powder (in small amounts promotes circulation and disperses pain) - have on an empty stomach first thing in the morning. __ You know what they say....A potion a day keeps the doctor away. ??

A post shared by Rose Galikas DTCM,R.Ac,B.Kines (@smelltheroses_11) on

Jabukovo sirće je provereno odličan probiotik. Samo treba paziti na količinu koja se unosi. Ne treba preterivati, naravno, već ga je najbolje kombinovati s drugim namirnicama kao što je zelena salata.


Ako ste veliki ljubitelj jogurta, a želite neku promenu, birajte kefir. Odličan je i za dodavanje više proteina u vaš jutarnji smuti. Kefir po sastavu sadrži belančevine, aminokiseline, lipide i topljive polisaharide. Osim toga, sadrži simbiozu između velikog broja dobrih, mlečno-kiselih bakterija i kvasca.

Bonus video:

( / Srbija Danas)

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