Svi želimo Dislajk dugme, a Fejsbuk nam nudi ovo (VIDEO)

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Svi želimo Dislajk dugme, a Fejsbuk nam nudi ovo (VIDEO)

Fejsbuk je odlučio da pored opcije lajk uvede još četiri nove mogućnosti
Objavljeno: 15:49h

Prvi čovek Fejsbuka Mark Zakerberg objavio je na svom profilu da je danas počelo testirnje novog Lajk dugmeta. Svaki dan ima više milijardi lajkova, a lajkovanje je najednostavniji način da se izrazite na Fejsbuku, napisao je Zakerberg.

Today we're launching a test of Reactions -- a more expressive Like button. The Like button has been a part of Facebook for a long time. Billions of Likes are made every day, and Liking things is a simple way to express yourself.For many years though, people have asked us to add a "dislike" button. Not every moment is a good moment, and sometimes you just want a way to express empathy. These are important moments where you need the power to share more than ever, and a Like might not be the best way to express yourself.At a recent Townhall Q&A, I shared with our community that we've spent a lot of time thinking about the best way to give you better options for expressing yourself, while keeping the experience simple and respectful. Today we're starting to test this.Reactions gives you new ways to express love, awe, humor and sadness. It's not a dislike button, but it does give you the power to easily express sorrow and empathy -- in addition to delight and warmth. You’ll be able to express these reactions by long pressing or hovering over the Like button. We’re starting to test Reactions in Ireland and Spain and will learn from this before we bring the experience to everyone. We hope you like this – or can better express how you’re feeling!

Posted by Mark Zuckerberg on Thursday, October 8, 2015

Već nekoliko godina korisnici traže uvođnje Dislajk (Dislike) opcije, ali ono ni ovaj put neće biti uvedeno. Novim opcijama biće moguće ljubav, humor, tugu i strhopoštovanje. - Nije Dislajk dugme, ali će vam omogućiti da izrazite tugu i emapatiju - napisao je Zakerberg. Nove opcije ći prvo biti testirena u Irskoj i Španiji. (

Uz Espreso aplikaciju nijedna druga vam neće trebati. Instalirajte i proverite zašto!

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